(May 24, 2003)HII!!!!! Guess what?! It's Summer break now :D !!!!! This means I get to stay inside, play more RuneScape, finish some video games I've wanted to beat for a while, and watch more anime!! Maybe also hanging out with friends and having a decent social life...... Anyway, didya miss me? probably not, considering I don't find many fans on this site LOL. I've FINALLY started learning Japanese and also bought and played through my own physical copy of touhou 6! I finally understood some of the game for myself, too! Also, I found out that Chiruno isn't actually spelled Chiruno... It's spelled Cirno and pronounced "sir-no" pretty cool, ne? Also, about that PC I was getting... turns out it was on limited stock and ended up getting sold out, I think it's something related to the store trying to push out more copies of Windows XP than Windows 98? IDK. Well, I'm still gonna be buying a pc, just a newer cool one with 512 mg of ram! I'm a bit of a nerd, I know. Another thing I'm getting is a special limited edition copy of this anime I watched a few months ago! It includes the season 1 DVD, a CD with music from the anime, a cool looking box, and a poster! I'm also starting to get into Japanese manga, hence why I'm starting to become a bit more of a Jojo's Bizarre Adventure fan. Anyway, I don't have much more to say, Ja ne!!!
(April 5th, 2003) Damn... I'm just now realising that people born in 1990 are turning 13 this year, huh... Might not seem like a lot to some of you reading this, but I'm turning 16 in a few months, and somehow I feel old?!?! I'm not liking drivers ed too much, I have to take it until 4:30 PM almost every day this week, and it's spring break!! I wish I was outside going to amusement parks and stuff with my friends... Luckily, It's over tomorrow... BUT BY THEN MY BREAK WILL PRACTICALLY BE OVER!! I only have two days of break after that and that's Monday and Tuesday... I'm also having to babysit and go to work those days including my final day of drivers ed and on my first day back to school after this break. and then a few weeks after that I have final exams! Sheesh! Talk about unlucky... Either way, I still get to watch anime and play video games, so I'm not too mad. Once I'm done with exams, I will be able to do that even more since I won't be given as much school work for the rest of the school year, and then I will finally be on Summer break! Woohoo! Also, once I've got a few more paychecks from Publix, I will finally be able to afford this cool computer that dual-boots to both Windows 98 AND Windows XP! Of course, I'm still gonna have to work for it either way. I'm also gonna be switching rooms this month at home. It's all good though, because imma finally be able to clean out my closet and abandon this shitty loft bed I've been sleeping in for the past year and a half. Lucky me!! Anyway, that's it from me for now... LOL... I'm gonna keep you updated on stuff once something big happens like me getting that nice dual boot PC or the new room. Byebye!!!!
(Sometime in March of 2003.. IDK, I didn't mark the date at first for some reason)Kon'nichiwa! Lately I've been watching a couple new animes and also playing a new video game! Im loving Tekken, it's very fun to attempt to learn combos but AAAHH I really really hate it when im playing arcade mode and I get put up against a fast character... I can't wait to play Tekken 2, because I've heard it's really smooth compared to Tekken 1. Once I've beat all of the Tekken 1 fighters, I will obviously review the game under my game reviews page. I also really love the story of it too. My favorite fighter so far has got to be either Mitsuboshi or King. Ja ne!!!